Wednesday, January 10, 2007

two things...

thought of two fun things to share about J and L...

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1. they are really talking to each other a lot!!! We were upstairs getting ready for bed and after nursing we were just chillin' on the bed and they were mimicking each other. One would grunt then the other would copy. After that L was trying to suck on J's nose and as she would move her face close to his he would laugh... then she would laugh in return. It was so cute. They are really grabbing at each other and making eye contact, stealing each others toys and grabbing each others ears and faces too!

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2. They are sitting unassisted. L lasts a big longer than J, but he's better at doing the tripod w/ his one arm as he starts to fall over!


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    They are so precious Laura!! Such a fun stage and age. Enjoy every moment!!

  2. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I think it would be so fun to see that relationship develop - better yet, to have that relationship! Someone who is exactly your age, doing the same things. How special!

  3. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Cute!! How fun they are becoming! I wish I were there to witness it!

  4. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Wow! They are so big! I can't believe they're sitting up already. jeez, they've matured, even in their faces. So cute. Can't wait to see you.

  5. It's amazing! You will have so much fun watching them grow together and interact. Thanks for sharing, so we can be "almost" there to see it all.
