Friday, September 26, 2008


these actually stayed in for most of the day.. it was so nice to be able to see her little face.

And Jason wanted ponies too, but I recently cut his hair so this is all we could muster..

That's it.. that's all I got. Today was better than yesterday, but I am ready for Tom to come home. He probably won't be home until after the kiddos go to bed tomorrow night, but Tom has already been informed that HE will be putting them to bed on Sunday night... I'm heading out for WHATEVER for the afternoon on Sunday.. part of the evening will be a new strength training class for female triathletes. :) Oh, and happy hour afterward.. that's my kind of off season!

I'm doing a 10 mile 'test' run tomorrow. If I can hang I'm going to do a half marathon trail run at the end of October. I think I can do it, but we'll see.


  1. You can do it, you'll be great! And yay for happy hour :o)

  2. So cute! The piggies make her look like more of a little girl rather than a toddler.

    Hope the strength training class went well!

  3. Anonymous7:53 PM

    That is the cutest, sweetest little face on Lily with her piggies!! She looks so proud!I hope you had a good Sunday to yourself : )

  4. I love the piggies. She looks so much older! we did Liam hair in pigtails and it gave him a headache... :-)

  5. Cute pigs! How was the test run?
