Monday, December 18, 2006

Bumper update

So i couldn't do it.. I couldn't leave poor J w/o his bumper. It went back in the very next day. The good news is that though he still plays w/ it some while falling asleep he is not sleeping on his tummy w/o his face in the bumper! YEAH!

So Tom is up in bed ILL! He was up all night puking and we had NOTHING in the house that he could take for relief. J and I made an a.m. run to Walgreens to get him some pepto while he layed on the couch and watched L play in the exersaucer. Ugh poor guy... just off a trip to Asia and now sick in bed 5 short days before we are to get on a plane at the ass crack of dawn to head to Seattle. Hopefully this a 24 hour bug and he'll be up and at em in plenty of time to recover for our trip.

As I was sitting in the parking lot just before 7am waiting for Walgreens to open it occured to me that at that same time on Sat we will be on a plane headed for Minneapolis... That's just craziness!!!

As a result of the crazy weather in Seattle my in laws are sitting in the dark hovering around their gas fire place as many trees are down ... and power lines/poles ... in their neighborhood. We are hopeful that the power will be back up and running before we get there... otherwise we will be all crowded around the gas fire place... us in our sweats and babies in buntings... a nice cozy holiday! :) So long as I can eat and the babies are warm I'll be happy! Can't wait to see everyone!


  1. I was over at my parent's house yesterday which is in Redmond very close to where Linda lives and it looks like a war zone! Trees were snapped right in half, HUGE evergreens pulled up by the house in my parent's neighborhood was hit by 10 trees!! I hope they do get power back. If not, well, then you'll just have any old fashion Christmas with candles. Just like Tiny Tim!

  2. I'm glad Jason got his bumper back, and POOR Tom. It is not fun to be sick, and poor you . . . it is hard work to be a single parent. I'm hoping the rest of you stay well. I also hope Lynda gets power soon. I just can't believe Seattle's weather.

  3. I hope Tom is starting to feel better and I hope he is not passing it on to you or the babies!!!
