Monday, December 11, 2006

Brain food....

so the babies are just watching us eat SO much and try to grab at the spoon (and what we eat) when we feed them.... so I got some avocados (good brain food) and let them feed themselves. Well, J would hold it himself, L wasn't interested in holding it, but she sure enjoyed eating it!!!!

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And here's one more photo.. when I looked at it I couldnt' believe how big Lily is.. she looks like a little girl here.. Not a baby. They are growing up so fast!!! We can now add jumping, grabbing everything, laughing out loud, getting the pacifier in their mouths the right way, baby push ups (Lily is getting her tummy off the ground) and sticking out their tongues to their list of tricks!

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  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Too cute! It looks like your mom is loving being a Grandma!! Jason looks pretty skilled at holding onto that slippery avacado! I can't even do that!

  2. Get ready for some new colors of poop! It's a little weird at first. It gets a lot stinkier too.

  3. I just can't believe how big they are! And you are right, Lily looks like a little girl in the photo with your mom. I can't wait to see you guys! Less than 2 weeks, yay!
