Friday, October 22, 2010

Coaching by John Hirsch

So I posed the question and got lots of answers.. and took the plunge myself!

I am now own board as one of the CREW with John Hirsch. I'm SO excited!

I had some great email conversations with him, but today's phone call was AWESOME! His energy is great and his philosophy's make sense!!!! First up swim swim swim like a fish.. or until I swim like a fish. I really should have seen that coming. Then we'll up up up the running as I run my way to the Austin Marathon on 2/20/11.

Then a little mini break and we start TEARING into tri season. That is still a bit up in the air. We have a plan but the GREEN thing is to be determined. Once I know which way that is going we can get the plan together. Thankfully we've got some time!

I am beyond excited. I'm excited to see what this body/mind can do and to see what it does w/ a coach to guide me instead of just some piece of paper holding all my dreams!

Let's go COACH take me to the finish line(s).


  1. That is so exciting! I've thought many times about getting a coach, but now is not the time. Maybe when I start IM training again. My husband has pretty much been my coach. He's really helpful and encouraging and is all into the geeky tri stuff so that's pretty awesome. I'm excited to see how it goes for you! And when ARE we going to find out about the green thing!? :)

  2. This is what I wrote to Elizabeth Wittmaack who is a coach up in Ridgewood, NJ about my coach:

    "A coach is the one thing I will never give up in terms of triathlon. You can take my sneakers and I'll run barefoot, take my Specialized and I will ride my Trek road bike but do not take my Coach. She is a counselor, motivator, inspiration and all around wellness guru for me. I can say this with confidence."

    It is truly amazing how I have been able to stay motivated and the continuous improvement through her.

    Good luck and it is well worth it.

  3. Congrats! You are in good company with John.

    Beware the shovel.

  4. Hey, I just started this month with John as well. It'll be fun following you.

  5. oooh, i'm excited for you too;-) getting a coach, and triathlon specific one at that is huge!

    And next year for me, don't know what I'll do for a coach. i may go w/out one, haven't decided. I loved mine, but our personalities and his approach to my injury clashed. so don't know...we'll see;)

  6. That's great!! You are going to have a wonderful season!!

  7. Very cool! How did you find him? And its all online right? I can't wait to see what you can do! :-)

  8. AWESOME!! I love having a coach, it is one of the best decisions I have made.

  9. congrats . having a great coach makes all the difference in the world

  10. Very VERY cool! John is a great guy and phenomenal racer. I keep bumping into him at races and finally I went up and introduced myself. SUPER nice guy.

    I saw him obliterate the field @ Tri Ridgefield in 2009 then saw him @ Mooseman 70.3 this past June, Rhode Island 70.3 this past July and then saw him coming through the changing tent @ T1 in Lake Placid this past July.

    Welcome to the coaching world!

  11. Jon.. yes he is amazingly personable! Hopefully he'll have me kicking some serious ass this year! :) I'm totally stoked!

  12. Chris.. I am banking on that!!!
