Thursday, May 08, 2008

Finally some videos

okay... let's hope this works. :)

So today Lily started dancing and singing this song. I had to ask Tom about it when he got home. Apparently he sung it to her once.

And here is a cute one...

Things are well here. Training is busy and we are out enjoying our great weather! I'm keeping it together okay, but will be glad when the race is over and I don't spend half my weekend away from the family.

Lynda came out for a great visit this past weekend. The kids loved spending time w/ her and have been asking for her and talking about her since she left. I only got a few pics from the trip.



  1. Was that, "Mama Doo doo"? Hmm...
    Cute videos!

  2. Oh yes, I forgot to translate. "Good Morning to you." Tom said that when he sang it to her he added "You smell like a poo." but she didn't sing that part. ;) I'm surprised.. lots of talk of pee pee and poopy around here.

  3. so cute! I love how they are talking so much! In the video you could really see the difference in size between Jason and Lily. Wow! :-) I will be glad with the race is over too, and I am not even the one training!

  4. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Very cute Laura!! I love the videos! And I could actually tell that the song was "Good morning to you." Ummm... I think that means I've been around baby talk too long : ) Good luck training!
