Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008!!

I can't believe it's 2008!!! Just wanted to say happy new year and welcome to the world to .http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif I know all of you already blog stalk my sister in law's blog so I'm sure you already know, but there's the link anyway. I can't wait to head out in February to meet the newest member of the Mount clan!

Here are some pics from the first day of this new year!

Playing mummies


The kids love the tent and Lily likes to be nakies so she is always taking her clothes off.

We got some potties to start the familiarization w/ the potty concept and Tom taught them to make a poop face... here is Jason's. They only do this if asked to make the face or if asked if they have pooped. :)



  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Happy New Year to the Mounts!! The kids are precious and that "poopy face" does look like he is in pain : ) What is it that they are wrapped up in to be mummies? That looks like fun! And our girls would fit in with Lily just right-- they love to take their clothes off!

  2. Happy New Year! The photos of the kiddos are so funny! They are so cute!
