Friday, December 07, 2007

It's a nana

Wait until the end of the video.. I swear he says 'it's a nana'.. do you hear it?


  1. Anonymous7:40 PM

    That's so awesome, what fun to finally hear their voice and see them make those connections! I'm sure in another few years we'll be wishing they didn't know so many words...but for now it great!

  2. I watched this video over and over again today. His voice is so sweet. :) He's such a sweet boy.. lots of hugs to dole out. I'm loving this stage... even though it is quite challenging. I feel like they just made another leap in their development w/ communication. I love their little voices!

  3. Yes! I hear it! HOw cute!! He's such a little man!

  4. I agree, he definitely says 'nana'. He's so darn cute!

  5. Cute! I love hearing them talk, and it's fun to watch them "in action." I'm sure they are a fun handful! :)
