Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Birthday party...

we had a little get together today w/ gma and gpa and a few friends. We dove into some cake. Lily went to town while Jason was a bit hesitatn. Lily definitely suffered the sugar high followed by the sugar low. Mom pulled a "DOH" on the birthday party the day after a round of shots... oops. So they were a bit out of sorts already... oh well. We got through. :)

Here are some photos from the "party" and of the cardboard house we got from Fiona (and Greg and Karen) in the next year we can have the kids decorate the house w/ their personal artwork.

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  1. Wow! What neat cake eaters! I can't believe how long Lily's hair is. I hope you pull the through the 'birthday hangover' okay!

  2. I'm glad they had a good party! Looks like a fun house . . . what a great present! I'm glad to hear they are healthy too. Can't wait to hear more about their TODDLER adventures!!

  3. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Hooray and Happy
    Birthday to everyone!
    Sorry we missed the big shindig. Much love being sent to WI!
