Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Gourmet Babies

So we get our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box every Saturday now and along w/ it comes a newsletter (which comes by email.. so we are saving on paper) that contains recipes. The other day I made a fritata w/ the spinach and garlic scapes (yes I am cultured now.. I had no idea what a scape was prior to this experience) and today I made tabouleh w/ the fresh parsley and chives. I had to use millet though so it didn't come out quite right texturally, but it's still yummy!

Well I make most of this stuff for the babies... though I usually eat it too.. so here are some pics of their lunch today. You totally wish you were them right now huh? Someone to cook your meals, take you everywhere, bathe you, do your laundry, and love you all the while. :)

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Fritatta (all chopped for them) The strawberries are from the CSA and DAMN they are GOOD!

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  1. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Yum!!! You need to post those recipes!

  2. That's so cool! Those strawberries DO look good!!

  3. Wow! That looks like one heckuva toddler meal! We are too much alike in our baby-feeding habbits. My son had organic red Swiss chard yesterday for lunch - how many kids can say that?

  4. Ha.. probably not that many! :)

  5. Anonymous5:27 PM

    certainly not mine - Liam wouldn't even eat yogurt or white cheese when he was little - he has a very sensitive (read picky) mouth and always has. I keep trying though!
