Saturday, May 28, 2011

Athlete.. ? Are you sure!?

Not feeling like much of an athlete these days.. the rhythm will return right? As will my motivation and positive attitude!

Ever since the knee thing and the new york/uncle thing my head has been spinning and I've just really been tired and unmotivated to stick to my program. Such is life, eh? Some days the Wife and or Mother (or Grand Niece in this case) take precedence over the ATHLETE. I've been working out here and there and eating fairly well (yes, even at Disney - though I suffered some Serious digestive issues that I thought were behind me), but I have lacked focus and determination. Every time I fall into this frame of mind or part of life I start to seriously doubt if I really am an athlete at all.. if triathlon is really what I'm into. I always come back to it so there must be something to it right?

Rev3 Quassy is coming up next weekend ... WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS!!! If you are local or know anyone local get your happy butt out there and volunteer or call on your local friends/family to help us out! PLEASE! Here's the link:!/volunteer/quassysignup.htm

THEN ... drum roll mom and dad show up on JUNE 13th!!! The calvary is on it's way! THEN I can get my head back in the game... THEN I can even pretend to try to follow a schedule. Okay.. it's not true.. I don't NEED them to be here NORMALLY in order for my head to get in the game, but I feel so behind right now (mentally) and every time I sit down w/ my calendar in front of me to 'figure it all out' I feel like my head might explode! I did get out for an early morning ride today before Tom had to fly off to Asia and I will teach my spin classes this week... and maybe try to run while the kids are in school this week (if the knee will cooperate), but I'm allowing myself to just not worry about it all too much this week. We're fresh off a REALLY hard month for the family, a trip to Disney and now single parenthood. This is not conducive to hitting the training hard. This is conducive to spending as much time as I can with my kids and just letting what be is until I can take a deep breath and get my head back in the game.

This is the balancing act folks... this is where the road meets the rubber. This is the real deal. It's not the days and weeks and months where it all seems to come together flawlessly and you are nailing all your workouts... it's the time where you have to juggle it all ... the time where people would choose to give up because it's just too hard to get it all done. You must allow yourself to step back a little... still do your thing, but don't worry so much about hitting it and know that the space will open up again for you to go hard for it.... IF you are in this place with me right now feeling like maybe it's not all worth it... maybe you should just wave the white flag, buy a gallon of ice cream and throw in the towel stay strong with me here!!! We will get through... it IS worth the fight! FIGHT for it... stay with it... keep the momentum going, but pull back on the throttle! This will keep you going, but get you through.

What do you do when the going gets tough and you feel at the end of your workout / training mojo rope!? How do you rally?


  1. Unfortunately, the obstacles never seem to stop coming. The best way for me is to is to just plan plan plan plan plan. (Something that is VERY far from my regular personality.)
    If you can organize your time and all your other non-triathlon commitments, it can help you figure out those (sometimes tiny) slots of times where you can squeeze in a workout.

  2. Wow! This so hits home for me. I feel like I am just coming out of the fog that last semester was for me. I think you just do your best to get the workouts in, while making sure you prioritize well. If family needs you, than workouts get put off and try not to feel guilty. Hang in there!! Can't wait to see you in Quassy!

  3. For me the hardest part is getting out the front door. Once that happens the training just happens.

  4. It's ok to be where you are right now...follow your gut on what to do. When it's time to kick it up again, you'll know.

  5. ((HUGS)) Been there... It'll come back to you when it's right!

  6. Um, you still kicked my a$$ on the bike ride Saturday;) You'll get there.

  7. you were on tired legs.. I was fresh off a 'rest week'.. my whole freakin' life a rest week right now.. :(

  8. I'm printing this out to put on my desk at work. I tend to opt for the gallon of ice cream option, and I need to get over it. I'm tired of making excuses for myself, but it has taken me about 7 months to get to this point.

  9. I've been eating and eating and eating... I'm right there w/ ya!
