Saturday, March 03, 2007

It's almost time..

We're headed out to Texas tomorrow (sunday) morning. I can't wait. It's been snowy, cold and frozen tundra like for the past week and a half or so. I'm so ready to get the ... out of here! ha Hopefully by the time we return in April this will be over.. the snow will be melted and we'll have sunny warm days ahead!

The kids had their 9mo appt yesterday and they are doing great... growing just fine. Jason is about the 30% and poor little Lily is about 7%. They are both consistent in their growth. We are apparently super parents doing everything just right... ha ha The doc even used the word 'advanced' while talking about them. I think it was something along the lines of "they may walk soon b/c of their advanced muscular development" - I think because they've been crawling for a while.... but who cares all I really heard was advanced. ha! We're proud of our little ones. Doc did say we could start giving them lunch (not REAL excited about this) and meat.... and here I am toying w/ the idea of going back to a vegetarian diet (shh.. I haven't told Tom yet). You can stay tuned at the Green Girl's Guide for more developments on that front! Think I'll go out and have a burger or Carne Asada taco salad before I take the plunge! :) Not that I"m even that big a fan of red meat anyway.

Here are some pics to tide you over for the next couple of days... hopefully there will be short sleeves and/or diapers only in the next round of shots!

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1 comment:

  1. Have a safe trip! I can't wait to hear updates when you get there!
