Friday, November 26, 2010

GU Roctane Kona flavor

GU did a promotion during Kona.. I'm sure you remember.. where you could get a free box of GU Roctane in a special Kona flavor with the purchase of two boxes of GU. I went for it and got my box of Roctane w/ pretty hibicus flowers on it, but hadn't used it yet. I headed out for my run yesterday and was feeling a bit 'under nourished' and tired so I took two gels with me.. one chocolate and one Kona Roctane.

Three miles into this run I felt like CRAP and doubted I would make it the full hour. About 20 mins in I stopped to walk up a crazy CT Alps hill and decided to take the Roctane. I ripped the pouch open and squeezed some in... swished it around in my mouth to enjoy the nice KONA flavor. Hmm.. it tasted okay, but it had a kind of medicinal taste. It was a familiar taste.. WHAT WAS THAT!? AHA! I've had my fair share of dental work and if you haven't had that pleasure you may not be able to understand what I'm talking about. It tasted just like that gel stuff they put on your gums w/ a big huge Qtip. They flavor it (who knows why). It usually tastes a bit like bananas w/ a medicinal after taste. The KONA Roctane tasted exactly like that! EXACTLY! I've never used Roctane before (always just straight up GU) so I'm not sure if this medicinal taste is part of the Kona mix or the Roctane mix.

I chugged some water and kept on trucking. The medicinal flavor quickly subsided.

Would I recommend this product to a friend? Based on flavor... NO! Based on results... YES! I had started out on a lackluster run that I wasn't sure I would be able to complete and ended up completing my long run ... TWICE the time/distance as I had originally set out to do. I did have my other regular GU 45 mins after the Roctane, but I was really surprised at how much better I felt after taking the Roctane...

So if you are HUGE on the flavors skip this one, but if you are more about the results and can tolerate some 'not so awesome' flavor GO FOR IT!

hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving... save my 2 hour break for a nice long run I spent much of the day wiping noses, getting water and warm milk, taking temperatures and snuggling on the couch. All in all not a horrible thanksgiving. We needed some good snuggly down time.

Oh and I also whipped up this little gem of a bag. Well, finished it anyway. In the interest of cleaning out my house I found this wool shirt that my dad wore in Vietnam that I used to wear in my highschool days. I no long consider it part of my fashion repetoire, but I didn't want to part with it so I made it into a bag. Not too bad, eh?


  1. Thanks for the review

    Cool looking bag

  2. The bag is great - way to go! You are so talented. I was happy that I just made a camera strap! :)

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Hope J and L are feeling better soon.

  3. i HATE the flavor of that crap the dentist uses. Thanks for letting me know. Although I usually buy hammer gels, I like them a little better

  4. Flavors of Gu are so hit and miss but I guess that is why there are so many.

  5. That bag is awesome Laura! :) Hope the family is starting to feel better!

  6. I'm a little bummed to hear the island nectars flavor wasn't so great... I had been really looking forward to trying it.

    Very cool bag - what a great way to keep a piece of your family's history going!

  7. That bag is awesome! What a great way to reuse a keepsake!
    I have the Gu flavor too. I liked it o-kay, but the taste is definitely something you have to get used to!

  8. Agree! That Island Nectars tastes nasty. In fact, the only Roctane that doesn't (IMO) is the pineapple. :)

  9. I liked the Kona GU. I think the bag is really cool


  10. Have to try the new flavor. LOVE the bag...funnny, I used to wear my Dad's peacoat from the Navy when I was in High School! Thanks for the Twitter follow!!

  11. hey paula... so good to 'see' you!!!!
